Here is calligraphy in a floor epitaph in Lincoln Cathedral. Floor epitaphs were placed especially so people walk on them, but it of course contributed to their wear. It is written in Lombardic versals and dated, however, the date only says MCCC and thereafter it is worn out and not visible. So it could have another C, but certainly no more, as normally a "D" was written instead of five C's. So we have here an approximate date: 14th or 15th century. Still, better than nothing.
Interesting here is use of both "V" and "U" where we today spell "u".
There is a book available, based on this blog.
On the blog there is, so to speak, more room, one can show more illustrations there. Blogs, however, come and go, there is no certainty that it will be there ten years from now. The book, on the other hand, once you acquire it, will last, one can be sure of that.