Saturday, January 29, 2011


There are two Dorchesters in England, this one is a small town in Oxfordshire, south of Oxford. In fact it is hardly more than a village, but it has an interesting tourist attraction: a huge abbey church in perpendicular Gothic style. Just next to the abbey is a small museum of local curiosities, among them a document dated 1635.  It clearly was supposed to be decorative even though the hand itself was not of the highest quality. The initial and the bold letters are in fractur, whereas the body of the document is in italics.



Saturday, January 15, 2011


Kezmarok is a well preserved Gothic town in Slovakia, just east of the High Tatra mountains. The parish church is full of beautiful Gothic sculptures, whereas of calligraphy I found only one renaissance epitaph. I find it very graceful, perhaps even one of the best examples of capitalis elegans I've ever seen.